Block-out cover labels

Thoroughly cover the content underneath

99.1 x 139 mm
400 Labels / 100 Page
B/W Laser, Colour Laser
199.6 x 143.5 mm
200 Labels / 100 Page
B/W Laser, Colour Laser
199.6 x 289.1 mm
100 Labels / 100 Page
B/W Laser, Colour Laser
99.1 x 93.1 mm
600 Labels / 100 Page
B/W Laser, Colour Laser
67.7 x 99.1 mm
800 Labels / 100 Page
B/W Laser, Colour Laser
Block-out cover labels

Block-out labels are perfect for covering up and correcting misspelled text or incorrectly pre-printed labels. They are fully opaque, so they provide assurance that old lettering will not show through.